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Legend Of The Red String

Writer: Anant KatyayniAnant Katyayni

Legend Of The Red String
Red String Of Fate

Not to be confused with the red thread bracelet-type talismans practiced by Hindus and Jews, 'red string' or 'red thread of fate', is a belief native of east Asian societies, mostly Japanese and Chinese folklore. Though the versions differ, the core idea remains that individuals who are destined to be together, are tied with an invisible red thread to each other with their hands' pinky finger or thumb. In Japanese version, it's a bond between lovers or life partners, much like quintessential saat janmon ka rishta in Indian community. Here is a beautiful Chinese fable associated with this belief.


Once upon a time, there was an old matchmaker named Yue Xia Lao in a small Chinese village. He had a Book of marriages which contained names of all the soulmates who ever were or ever will be. One night a young boy found him leaning against a fence under the full moon light. Chatting idly, the old man explained to the boy how he can find out anybody's soulmate with help of his book. Young boy didn't look convinced, so Yue Xia Lao took him next day to the village market. There, hiding behind a tree, he pulled out a red string from the book's pages, tied it to the boy's little finger and pointed towards a young girl- "There. That's your soulmate. You both are destined to be together." Being young, single and not ready to mingle, the boy picked up a small rock, threw it towards the girl and ran away angrily cursing the old matchmaker.

Years later, the boy came of age and his parents married him off to a girl from the village next to theirs. As per the custom, he could not see the bride's face before the marriage itself. On their wedding night, the boy lifted the veil off his coy bride's face. She was a matchless beauty. An almost perfect face, but for the tiny scar at the top of her left eye. Alerted at her husband's raised glance, the bride spoke- "When I was little, a boy hit me with a rock and it left this scar on my eyebrow. I hope you will not love me less for it."

Realizing the old matchmaker's prophecy about a red string binding their fates together, the young man embraced his bride and cried with joy- "No, I shall love you even more now because we were destined for each other."



A red string tied to tiny finger is a popular device for symbolizing love, faith, friendship, expressing solidarity with a cause and among followers of certain public figures too. Next time when you come across it at a Tatto parlor or in a Greeting card store, you'll know the true message behind it already ;)



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