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Remembering The Titans

Writer: Anant KatyayniAnant Katyayni

Today we will trace the origins of the word: 'TITAN', a popular term in corporate, sports and mythology. Some interesting anecdotes from Greek mythology are on the way.

Titans were ancient Greek deities who preceded even the gods of Olympus. They were considered keepers of the natural phenomenons occuring around humanity. Heaven (Uranus), Earth (Gaia), mountains (Atlas), seas (Oceanus), wisdom and light (Hyperion), love (Eros), time (Chronus) and others. Even the big bang or origin of the universe was a mighty Titan named Chaos. Together, these Titans ruled all the creation with absolute and unchallenged tyranny. Uranus and Gaia commanded this seemingly endless list of super strong generation of Titans for a long period. But then their son Chronus rebelled for the throne. That's how we get the phrase 'Clash of the Titans'. Later Chronus was toppled by his sons under the command of Zeus, the king of new Greek gods. A few Titans sided with Zeus in that great battle. Most famous of them being Prometheus, who later disobeyed Zeus himself, stole and gifted Fire to the mankind and was subsequently punished for it. Zeus set an eagle over him to prey. It would eat his flesh but being an immortal Titan, his body will heal itself by the end of day and the eagle would just keep repeating this torture. Zeus's son Hercules eventually ended his torment. Likewise, it's a greek belief that Titan Atlas is under the eternal punishment of bearing the weight of whole Earth on his old shoulders. You must have used an Atlas for studying maps in school time, remember? Titan is such a historically rich and enigmatic reference that we use it as a huge compliment for a business giant, a tall leader, even named one of the moons of Saturn after it. And oh, so many sports franchises too. Hope you will remember the Titans and the significance behind this compliment now.


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